Gold Leaf Designs




17th October 2013
"Hey Sweets - just letting you know that all is OK here. I am getting my head around my mental states with some meditation and looking after myself but am still pretty quiet. Have been a bit more sociable recently but prefer being at home on my own. Hope you guys are well.

29th October 2013
"Tragedy as bankrupt boss of Physiotherapy firm found dead in Alexandra Park"
Manchester Evening News, 29th October 2013


Johnny we don't half miss you

Something sharp took away your lovely life
As it seared the softness of your skin.
Was it glass, A razor blade, perhaps
A knife, that October evening?

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

Did you wield the blade in sorrow?
Had you reached that lonely place
Where nothing else seemed worth it
So you sought an escape to grace?

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

Did it feel as if no-one could help you?
Was your mind so full of pain?
Did you cut in sorrow or in desperation?
Was the freedom to do so, all that remained?

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

We can't say we hardly knew you!
You were a warm and honest friend
You touched the lives of many
Kind, wise, and unique to the end.

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

We're sorry you got to doing it,
Were you feeling just so full of doubt?
Cloaked in a blackness without meaning?
So you couldn't see another way out?

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

May any "No" within you
Be turned into a solid "Yes!"
Where you are now and how it is
We can but only guess.

Johnny, we don't half miss you
And it's hard to understand
The thoughts that ran through your mind
That led to those actions of your hand.

But never mind, we bless you
And really hope you understand
We're here whenever you need us:-
Next time - let Life get the upper hand.

© Sophie Brown 2013

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